Prescription Drug Drop - Off

Prescription drug abuse is currently being reported by law enforcement agencies across the country as their greatest threat. In addition, unsafe disposal of prescription and over-the-counter medications is costly to the environment.
These unused drugs present opportunities for environmental contamination, drug abuse and accidental poisonings. Proper disposal through collection is necessary to insure the drugs are completely destroyed by incineration.
To combat the illicit use of prescription medications and protect the environment, the Mayville Police Department provides citizens with a safe and easy way to dispose of all expired, unused or unwanted medications.
The Mayville Police Department provides a safe way to dispose of expired, unused or unwanted medication by providing a drug drop off box in the lobby of the police department. Open to the public, Mon - Fri from 8:00am - 4:30pm.
Acceptable items include: Creams, Pills in the original bottle, Ointments, sprays, inhalers and pet medications.
Drug Drop Hour

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm
Prohibited Items
Bio-hazardous Materials: All biologically contaminated waste that could potentially cause harm. Examples include human and animal blood, tissues, and certain body fluids, recombinant DNA, and human, animal or plant pathogens.
Needles/Sharps: Examples include hypodermic needles, surgical needles, scalpel blades, razor blades, etc
Personal Care Products: Shampoo, Soaps, Lotions, etc.
Household Hazardous Waste:
Adhesives | Floor Wax | Metal Cleaners | Rock Salt |
Aerosol Cans | Fluorescent Light Tubes | Moth Crystals | Soaps |
Air Fresheners | Furniture Polish | Motor Oil, Used | Shoe Polish |
Ammonia | Gasoline | Oven Cleaners | Stain Removers |
Antifreeze | Glues | Paints | Solvents |
Bathroom Cleaners | Helium Tanks | Paint Strippers | Thermometers |
Brake Fluid | Herbicides | Paint Thinners | Thermostats |
Button Batteries | Household Batteries | Permanent Markers | Transmission Fluid |
Carpet Cleaners | Household Cleaners | Pesticides | Upholstery Cleaners |
Chlorine Bleach | Insecticides | Plant Food | Wood Preservatives |
Cooking Oil, Used | Lead Acid Batteries | Pool Chemicals | Wood Stains |
Detergents | Lighter Fluid | Propane Tanks | Wood Varnishes |
Fire Extinguishers | Mercury | Rat Poisons |